Sudachi (Citrus sudachiJapanese: スダチ or ) is a small, round, green citrus fruit which belongs to the papeda subgroup of citrus plants. It is thought to be an ichang papeda - mandarin orange hybrid. Relatively unknown outside Japan, where it is used alongside two other citrus fruits, the yuzu and thekabosu. The fruit is the symbol of the prefecture of Tokushima where the majority of the fruit is cultivated. Cultivation is centered mainly in the communities of Sanagouchi-son, Kamikatsu-cho and Kamiyama-cho. [1] The plant has white flowers which bloom in May and June. Fruit harvesting starts in the fall.

A slice of this fruit is served with many traditional Japanese dishes which include fish, sobaudonnabe, and even some alcoholic beverages. It is considered to have a zestier flavor and aroma than lemons orlimes. It also boasts a higher calcium and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content than lemons. Sudachi flavored products (such as ice creamvodka coolers, ice pops, and soft drinks) can also be found in Japan, particularly in Tokushima Prefecture, where the fruit is sold cheaply. The actual fruit is regarded as a delicacy in other parts of Japan, as it is often expensive. Compared to the related kabosusudachi is much smaller at 1 to 1.4 ounces as compared to 3.5 to 5 ounces.

In 2006, a Tokushima University research team published a report which suggests that the fruit may be effective in lowering glucose levels in diabetic patients. The team gave rats sudachi zest over a one year period and found the glucose levels fell and the health of the rats to improve. Although this effect has not yet been tested on humans, it can be potentially used for naturopathic medicine.

(FROM WIKI 2010/04/12)

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